December was another good month for jobs growth. employment rose by 252000 jobs and the unemployment rate fell to 5.6% the lowest level since june 2008. in 2014 job growth averaged 246000 per month in 2013 it was 194000 per month . 2014 created 3 million jobs it is the best number since 1999 . december was the 11th month of job gains above 200000 . thats the first time thats happened since 1990s . construction came back strong in december adding 48000 jobs and food services and driniking places added 44000 jobs. well above theier monthly avarage of 30000 in 2014 . other industries with above avarage gains in december were health care and manufacturing.
Dec. 11, estimates the metropolitan area will add 62,900 jobs in 2015, and the year should finish with more than 3 million total nonfarm payroll jobs.
That figure seems significantly less than the current pace of growth, in which Houston added 120,000 jobs between October 2013 and October 2014, but GHP calls the current pace unsustainable.
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For comparison, Houston created an average of 48,600 jobs per year from 1994 to 2013. Even removing the three best years and three worst years, the average is 58,400 jobs per year.
GHP attributes much of the recent economic momentum to the boom in energy and exports, as well as Houston's population growth. Over the past four years, the city added 500,000 residents, half of which were births and the other half relocations.
Falling oil prices and slower global growth will have a negative impact on Houston's energy and export sectors next year, but the city will still add another 125,000 residents.
Construction on ethane crackers, chemical plants and liquefied natural gas terminals planned for the region; the opening of William P. Hobby Airport's new international terminal; and U.S. gross domestic product growth in general will also help Houston's economy next year.
Here's where jobs will be added or lost in Houston in 2015:
Energy: GHP anticipates a significant drop in oil field services (7,900 jobs) and a minor drop in oil and gas exploration (1,300 jobs).
Construction: Growth expected to slow marginally, with the sector adding 8,200 jobs.
Manufacturing: Expected to lose 3,300 jobs, as the decline in oilfield equipment and fabricated metals manufacturing will outweigh the increase in demand for chemicals, plastics and other nondurables.
Wholesale trade: Expected to add 3,500 jobs, though some sectors will struggle
Retail: Expected to add 6,600 jobs, a slight dip from recent hiring.
Transportation, warehousing and utilities: Expected to add 2,600 jobs, though the wide variety of subsectors will be affected differently.
Information: This sector, which includes news media, movies, software and other subsectors, is expected to create only 100 jobs.
Financial: Expected to slow somewhat, adding 1,900 jobs.
Professional, scientific and technical services: Growth will slow, with 9,300 jobs added.
Administrative, support, waste management and remediation services: Expected to add 8,400 jobs, though outsourcing is expected to continue.
Educational services: Expected to add 1,200 jobs.
Health care: Expected to add 9,200 jobs.
Arts, entertainment and recreation: Expected to add 700 jobs.
Accommodation: Expected to add 1,000 jobs.
Food services: Expected to add 8,300 jobs, though growth will be tempered compared to recent years.
Other services: Slower growth expected, with slightly more than 2,200 jobs added.
Government: Expected to add 1,200 jobs.
i just wish that 2015 will be no less thn 2014 good year to you all